
Posts Tagged ‘cats’


This morning I have been watching sparrows house hunting. In the eaves of the front porch is an old abandoned bird nest. About three years ago I could watch from my bed as sparrows raised their young squalling chicks. However I also watched as a Bluejay rooted them out of their home. Since then until today the nest has been foresaken. Now, I have always seen two doing the honors of building a nest, today there were three!! Suppose one is the mother-in-law? Their way of ridding the place of unwanted debris was amazing to see. They took turns flying in then quickly flying out and baby down feathers would come out in a rush. Can’t wait to see what they are going to do about mother! 

         Birds give me a great deal of pleasure they are so like humans in a sense. I watched a Mockingbird fairly keeping a cat imprisoned under a car a few years ago. That cat was very patient and laid very still until the bird left for a minute then out it came and rushed for a thick stand of bushes. Well back came the bird. He perched on a bush near by biding his time just hoping the cat would try to make a run for it so he could peck his head. Well the bird got impatient and decided to stoop down so it could see under the car. I never saw anything so comical. That bird was amazed to see the cat wasn’t where it should be. It hopped off the bush cautiously approaching the car and walked underneath. Shook it’s head and if it had been human would have scratched it’s head in wonder. It was very disgusted as it waddled away.

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